Monday, August 9, 2010

Let God Arise, 2010

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In this Page
Day Nine           | Rev Abel Damina
Day Ten             | Rev Abel Damina
Day Eleven       | Apostle Charles Osazuwa
Day Twelve       | Apostle Lawrence Osaghea
Day Thirteen   | Rev Joshua Talena
Day Fourteen  | Rev Don Odunze jrn.
Day Fifteen      | Prophet Isa El-Buba
Day Sixteen      | Apostle Johnson Suleman.
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Day Nine

Rev Abel Damina
Topic: Leaving Your Comfort Zone
Text: Rom 12: 1-2.
Highlights from the service
Proverbs 23:7; Numbers 14:1,2; Jeremiah 6:16; Hebrews 3:8-10; Genesis 11:1; Ephesians 3:20

• Comfort means adapting or squaring into a certain stage or mode
• Transform is from a Greek word "metamorphose" meaning, grow into or change.
• A man is a sum total of his thought life
• The battle of life is fought on the arena of the mind.
• Nobody was born with an inbuilt thought, all thoughts are acquired.
Facts that form thoughts:
• Authority figure: Parents, teachers, leaders etc. The life of every child will be tailored according to the kind of life these people are living.
• Experience: People tend to live life base on the things they have suffered.
• Observation: Many people tailor their life base on what they have learned form things around them.

There are three Components of the mind:
1. The conscious realm, where daily decisions are made
2. The subconscious, where information are stored. Man works according to the program which you don’t have control of but controls your emotions.
The programme in the subconscious determines the outcome of a man’s life.
3. Conscience is where the value system of a man is set and configured
Your conscience can only be a guide to you when it is aligned with and judged by the word of God.
We don’t see things the way they are. We see things the way we are.
Anything imaginable is attainable.
We don’t see things with our eyes, we see things with our minds through our eyes.
You will always go in the direction of your predetermined thoughts.
Unbelief is not a lack of faith in God’s word but you acclaim to the report of the world, at the expense of God’s word.
God doesn’t speak to your circumstance but to your potentials.

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Day Ten

Highlights from the service
Rev Abel Damina
Text: Rom 12: 1-2.

You are the sum total of your thought life.
What your eyes cannot see, you cannot have manifest in your life.
In Your mind is the picture of your thoughts and that picture is your future.
Raw thinking will lead to raw believing; Raw believing will lead to Raw confessions, Raw confessions will lead to Raw destination.
If you can think it, you can become it.
A Law is an established principle
Three attributes of a law:
Every true and genuine law is:
1. Simple
2. Consistent
3. Powerful
Meditation is the Spiritual Digestive system.
You meditate until the scripture becomes a picture for a guaranteed future.
If you want to get developed
1. Locate yourself in the bible
2. Locate your winning combination

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Day Eleven

Apostle Charles Osazuwa
Topic: Celebrating Victory Over Death
Text: Rev 1: 8, Matt 27: 50 - 53, Heb 2: 14, Hosea 13: 14, Psa 102: 19, 20, Zac 8: 4, Job 5: 26 - 27, I Corth 15: 55, Psa 90: 10, Gen 6: 3, Deu 30: 13, 1 thess 4: 13, Philip 1: 23 - 24, 1 Thessalonians 5: 7
Highlights from the service
When you don't know the WORD you will suffer in the WORLD.
No man on earth can define your life span.
Because JESUS Christ gave up the ghost, satan has to give up the keys to life and dearth.
Fear is a spirit. The bible say God has not given us the spirit of fear.
Fear is the reason why people die before their time.
Prayer - Every wrong prophesy upon our lives, I declare, it is canceled, in the name of JESUS.
Believers do not die, they sleep.
1 Thessalonians 5:7
The night hour is the legitimate time to sleep.
Note that, different people go to sleep at different time of the night
Therefore not all believers will sleep aged. But it is an abomination to sleep before seventy.
Act 7:59 - 60, Act 14:19 - 20
Stephen commit his life into his hand, but Paul refuse to commit so he lived and was referred to as “Paul the aged” in Philemon 9.
Prayer - My FATHER, My FATHER, Every appointment I have with dearth is canceled in the name of JESUS.

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Day Twelve

Today was a day of double impactation. Apostle Charles Osazuwa did a short ministration, praying upon used clothes and prophesying. then the main service:
Apostle Lawrence Osaghea
Topic: Breaking Through Closed Door
Text: Josh 6: 1- 5, I Cor 16: 9, Act 16: 23 – 26, Rev 3: 7 – 8.
Highlights from the service
The things that will make you shine, is behind that door. That is why the enemy has kept the door close. Today, I declare by the word of God, you shall break through.
Behind any close door, there is a strong principality and power. These principality and power ensure that nothing temper with the door.
Behind every close door there are adversaries
When God fights your battle, you never end up a looser.
When the door is shut against you, frustration begins.
There shall be no hiding place for your enemies
Anyone sitting on your destiny, shall cry out
Every door that will be a blessing to your life, shall be open
Whatever the devil had stolen from your life, for the past 7 years, you shall recover all.
Any door separating me from my identity, fall by fire.
O Lord, define your interest and position in my life and ministry
O Lord, exposed everyone that is behind my close door
Every arrow of shame, destruction and disgrace, I return in the mighty name of JESUS.
O enemy of my enemies, consume my enemies, until there is nothing left of them.
O ye gates to my promise land open by fire.
Every gate of the wicked, blocking my way of blessing, catch fire.
Every power program against me, in my father’s house, in my mother’s house, among my friends, to close doors against me, die by fire
O ye heaven over my life open by fire.

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Day Thirteen

Rev Joshua Talena
Topic: Oil of Vengeance
Text: 1st John 5: 19, Psalm 74: 20, I Thessalonians 1: 6, 2nd Kings 9: 1-4, 6, Job 19: 19, 2nd kings 9: 33
Highlights from the service
Vengeance is a tool that God uses to silence every enemy of His people.
Vengeance is a judicial aspect of the Almighty God.
Vengeance is crucial because the whole world is buried in wickedness; therefore, without vengeance wickedness will proceed without any challenge.
Without vengeance they can sit on your marriage, destiny, education, health, finances etc.
Ha, The enemy will not succeed over your life.
Today, Every enemy of your destiny is handled by the instrument of vengeance, in the name of Jesus.
Wherever the enemies have has denied you, by the oil of vengeance, I destroy them.
Whosoever say you will not see the end of the year, will not see the end of August.
Anywhere they are fighting you, I fire them.
The root of your vision shall locate you tonight.
Everything that God has for you, shall come to pass in your life by fire.
Importance of Vengeance
1. Vengeance is a tool that settles controversy in the life of believers. Isa 34: 8.
2. When vengeance is in place those who mourn and are in pain are comforted. Isa 61:2.
3. Through vengeance, everything that is needed has been provided. Luke 1: 22 -23.
Every spiritual foundation is sponsored by a spiritual action.
Every Jezebel in my father’s house, fall down and die.
Every Jezebel, altar, shrine sitting on my destiny, I scattered them by fire.
O ye man, woman, boy, or girl, where ever you are, release my blessing, marriage, prosperity etc in the mighty name of Jesus.

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Day Fourteen

Rev Don Odunze Jnr.
Topic: One man standing.
Texts: Numbers 14:28; Ezekiel 22:30-31; Jeremiah 5:1
Highlights from the message
- A person who can correct an error is the person who discovers it.
- Any man without d ability to stand before God will become a liability to men who stand before idols
- When God wants to deliver a family, he picks one person up who will open the doors 4 others.
- When the devil wants to strike a person, he strikes the man carrying the glory.
- Once there is a man standing before the altar, nothing will be lost. Because you stand before the altar, something is about to be recovered.
- God does not need everybody to solve a problem, only one man is sufficient.
- The devil brings confusion into the family so that nobody will be left standing.
- You must start looking beyond where you are now because something better is coming out of it.
- It was one man standing that delivered Isreal from the Battle of Goliath.
- The destinies of men were on the shoulders of one man.
- Where men of valour, experience, academic excellence could not stand, a little boy who was standing before the altar was able to stand.
- That battle was not won when the stone hit Goliath on the head, the battle was won when David replied. 'You come to me with spear and arrow but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of Host'.
- The days of keeping quiet are over. If you can speak it, you can have it. There is power in your mouth. Release the missiles through your mouth.
- These are not the days of murmuring prayers; the devil is waiting for your instruction.

1 Thessalonians 5:18
In the name of Jesus, Father, I give you praise for my wife, husband, children, my father, my mother, my family.
2nd Chronicles 7:14, Lamentations 5:7
O Lord, show us mercy. I stand in the gap for my family. Show us mercy
Judges 6:25-27
Any altar raised against me that is against the word of God, I destroy them in the name of Jesus. Any where they represented me, I command the altar to scatter in the name of Jesus.
Any man standing behind any altar, let their legs be crippled in the name of Jesus.
Numbers 23:23
Only the counsel of the Lord shall stand in my life in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, according to the word of God, according to this time, I declare, no divination against my father’s house; no enchantment me. It shall be said of me and my father’s house ‘look at what God has done’.

Psalm 92:10:
I shall be anointed with FRESH OIL.
You cannot fight the battle of today with the strength/anointing of yesterday.
In the name of Jesus, I receive a fresh oil for my family, business, carrier, marriage, ministry, etc. I can never go down.

Psalm 90:14:
O Lord ,show me mercy early so that my remaining days will bring me joy. O Lord, satisfy me early. I receive my breakthrough, deliverance, expectation, satisfaction, settlement early in the name of Jesus.
2nd Chronicles 26:15
In the name of Jesus, I receive my help. I refuse to be stranded.

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Day Fifteen

Prophet Isa El-Buba
Text: Haggai 2: 23, Matthew 12: 14.
Highlights from the message
Any word spoken outside the Bible, will not stand.
The different between the poor and the rich, is their understanding.
If there is anything the devil wants to steal from you, it is the word of God
God it not just a family doctor. He is a surgeon
Things are not determined by the natural, they are determined spiritually.
When God Arises, there are some things that must occur. They include:
• He will destroy every strength of strange power
• He will shake everything shakable and turn things upside down, until they are the way He want them to be.
• He will dismantle every arrow release against your life and destiny
• He will put satanic army into confusion
• He will overthrown every satanic throne
When you engage yourself in preaching the gospel, God will advertise your life.
Righteousness means a quick hearer.
Plant the right seed for kingdom lifting.
When you work your way into the heart of men, men will walk you out of their heart.
When you are committed in praying, God is going to move your life to the other side.
Every spirit of deception that will take me away from my destiny, in the name of Jesus, catch fire.
Wherever my star is according to the word of God; no weapon form or fashioned against me shall prosper.

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Day Sixteen

Apostle Johnson Suleman
Topic: Lost But Found
Text: John 1: 5, Hebrew 2: 6, 2nd Timothy 2: 19- 21, Matthew 5: 58, Luke 15: 8- 9, 1st Samuel 10, John 1: 9, Isaiah 60: 1, Luke 1: 5- 8.

When light comes, your true identity will be revealed.
The enemy promotes sin, by killing conscience in men.
If you are not complete, it is an error.
If you must truly serve God, you must lose somethings.
That you have lost something is not news, it is when your finance, job, marriage etc has been restored back to you, that’s the news.
If God cannot corrupt you, He cannot defend you.
One of the reason why John the Baptist was killed because he was offended with god
how do I find what is lost
light a candle i.e direction
sweep the house i.e flee from sin
seek diligently i.e services
whatever they have stolen from you has been found
father whatever is missing in my life is found
father this month is my month of celebration.

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